Meals on Wheels Program
About Meals on Wheels
Established in the early 1970s, our Meals-On-Wheels program is one of the longest-standing and most impactful outreach ministries of Dauphin Way UMC.
After receiving a request for Meals On Wheels, our interviewers make home visits to determine eligibility and to record all information needed for acceptance into the program. Volunteers prepare the meals in the DWUMC kitchen, then serve the food in delivery containers, and volunteer drivers deliver meals Monday through Friday. Daily meals include a hot, balanced meal for lunch and a sandwich and fruit or yogurt for supper.
Recipients pay $3 per day for meals. Payment is made each Monday to the driver, or by the month. Our congregation subsidizes the remainder of the cost for each meal (actual cost is $5-$6). The church observes all major holidays and does not deliver meals on those days. Notices are sent to recipients so they can plan for alternative food on those days.
Receive Meals on Wheels
To qualify for meal delivery, a person must be homebound and unable to drive due to age, infirmity, or disability. Our MOW program coverage area:
West of Broad Street to I-65, North of I-10 to Springhill Avenue
To sign up for an interview to verify that you or a loved one qualify to receive Meals on Wheels, call the church Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at (251)471-1511.
Volunteer with Meals on Wheels
We are always in need of more volunteers for this great program! To volunteer to cook, serve, or drive, please email our Meals on Wheels leader Christine Ford, or call the church receptionist (251) 471-1511, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.