Discipleship Programming
Sunday Mornings
Youth Sunday School
10:30-11:15 in the Refuge
Contact our youth director, Andrew Peeler, for more info.
Children’s Church
During the 9:30 and 11:00 services before the sermon. Kids will be returned to the worship space for pickup.
The Nursery is open from 8:20-12:00 on Sunday mornings.
Contact our children’s director, Rachel Broughton, for more info.
Open Adult Sunday School Classes
Sign up here or contact Rev. Wilson Newell for more information about groups and classes!
Covenant Class (McDavid Library) – Led by Elizabeth Percy
Faith Development Class (SB 101) – Led by Susan Hull
Open Minds, Open Hearts (Family Life Room) – Led by Leigh Ann Berte
Friends in Faith (Kitchen Breakroom) – Led by Julie Hoagland
Fellowship for Everyone (McGowin Hall)
Basement Men’s Group
Led by Rev. Wilson Newell
Sundays from 4:30-6:00 (during Children’s programming)| Sanctuary Basement 102
A group for men in which we talk about Scripture and then break into small groups.
Cultural Detox Women’s Study
Led by author Vanessa Reyner
Sundays from 4:30-6:00 (during Children’s programming) | Family Life Room
A 5-week class for Women led by the author of her incredible new book, Cultural Detox: Clearing the Chaos to Hear God’s Voice.
Introduction to the Old Testament
Led by Rev. Bruce Fitzgerald
Sundays from 5:00-6:30 (during Youth programming)| McDavid Library
A 7-week class for people who want to learn how to approach the Old Testament, which can be overwhelming and daunting because of the people, places, and problematic material. This class will help you sort through all that and see how it connects to Jesus.
Sign up for any of these classes at dauphinwayumc.org/adult-discipleship
Youth (6th-12th)
- 5:00-6:30 | S.N.L/ Confirmation
- 6:30-7:00 | Dinner
For more info, click here!
Children (6 weeks-5th)
4:00 | Cherub Choir (K4-K5), Older Wesley Singers (4th-7th) 3rd Grade Bible Class
4:45 | Younger Wesley Singers (1st-3rd), Gardeners (K4-K5), M&M (1st- 3rd), J.U.M.P (4th-5th)
6:00 | Pick-Up
*Nursery open from 4:00-6:00
*Playground open from 4:00-5:00
For more info, click here!
The Book of Ruth
Led by Rev. Gillian Walters
Tuesdays at 12:00 beginning September 10 | Dill Parlor
A 5-week class led by our senior pastor on the Book of Ruth, a story of courage and faithfulness.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Tuesdays 7:00 a.m. | McDavid Library
Join a group of men for a weekly time of prayer and fellowship each Tuesday morning.
Grits and Grace
Last Thursday of Each Month 7:00 a.m | McGowin Hall
There is a long-standing tradition of men from Dauphin Way United Methodist Church gathering together on the last Thursday of the month for a time of fellowship, devotion, and prayer that we call Grits and Grace. Breakfast costs $10, and you can pay with cash or card when you arrive. First-timers eat free!
Supper Clubs
Various Days and Times
Dauphin Way has a rich history of connecting our congregation through fellowship opportunities. We recently launched a number of new supper clubs for over one hundred and twenty church members, and we’re still going! If you’re interested in joining a supper club, please go to dauphinwayumc.org/supper to sign up or receive more information!