Welcome to The Refuge Student Ministry!
Learn more about the opportunities to participate in the Student Ministry of Dauphin Way UMC by clicking on the links below. All students from 6th Grade to High School Seniors are welcome to join us at any time. Andrew Peeler is our Director of Student Ministries and would love to hear from you!
We hope to see you on Sunday nights for youth group, Wednesday nights for small groups and at our big events!
Youth Group Sunday Evening Services
Students grades 6-12 are invited to join us each Sunday evening from 5:00-6:30 for our Sow New Life (SNL) service, with dinner to follow from 6:30-7:00. We will meet in Moore Hall (the gym), go to the Refuge for worship, and pickup will be in McGowin Hall.
Confirmation Students (6th graders) will start with the Youth in the gym and then go to the Confirmation Room for their lessons.