Bishop, Bibles, Backpacks, &... Backpacks!

August 7 will be a very big day at Dauphin Way. We have so many things going on, we have created a little mantra to help you remember: “Bishop, Bibles, Backpacks, and… Backpacks!

At 4 PM, in Moore Hall, Bishop David Graves will lead an information session for all members of the United Methodist churches in the Mobile area. Bishop Graves will bring a message to the laity of the conference and answer any questions you might have. These events are specifically focused on laity to help you understand current denominational matters and to provide accurate information. Registration is not required for this meeting.

At our 10:30 AM worship services that morning, we will present Bibles to our rising 3rd graders. Soon, they will begin the 3rd Grade Bible Class with Kat Brand, where they will learn all about the scriptures: where they come from, how to navigate their Bibles, and how God’s word shapes the ways we worship.

In worship that morning, we want all our students of any age to bring their backpacks for our annual Blessing of the Backpacks. We are excited to pray over all of our students and teachers as they start a new year.

Last, but definitely not least, August 7th is our deadline for accepting donations of school supplies on behalf of Leinkauf Elementary School. We want to make sure every child has a full backpack, with everything they need as they start the new year. See below for a full list of the supplies we need.