Volunteer Sign-Up Links

We appreciate every volunteer that we can get within our ministries, especially including our Children’s Ministry. Please email laura.maguire@dauphinwayumc.org with any questions or concerns relating to these volunteer opportunities!

At Dauphin Way United Methodist Church, we partner with parents to make disciples who make a difference in the world. Children are at the heart of Dauphin Way UMC and we strive to create a safe, inviting environment for children to learn about God’s love. It is our hope that they will grow in their faith through relationships with others in order to fully understand their relationship with Christ.

Laura Maguire

Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry

Join these two as they deliver the Elementary Sunday school message for this week. We hope you’ll reach out to us if you have any questions about this week’s lesson! 

Wilson Newell 

Director of Contemporary Worship + Assisting with Children’s Ministry Direction

Sunday School Resources

Preschool Curriculum
2 – 4 Years Old

Elementary Curriculum
Kindergarten – Fifth Grade