CDC Chapel

CDC preschool classes attend Chapel

Final Words From The Cross Lenten Class

Join the Dauphin Way pastors for our Lenten Bible Class on Adam Hamilton's book, "Final Words from the Cross." The class will meet in Dill Parlor on Wednesdays at noon from March 12-April 16. You can purchase the book on Amazon. You can sign up at

Tools of Hope

“Tools for Hope” is a general grief support group offered by Dauphin Way UMC. We offer a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through helpful handouts, devotionals, and a time for everyone to share, we hope you will learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain […]

Lenten Worship and Dinner

Join us on Wednesday nights from February 21 through March 20 for our Lenten Service and Dinners! We will worship together at 5:30 pm in the Chapel and hear from a special guest speaker, and then head over to McGowin Hall at 6 for dinner. Please register in advance at