Dauphin Way United Methodist Church’s pipe organ is a four-manual and pedal instrument containing 71 ranks of pipes. The pipe organ is designed to fulfill a wide range of musical and liturgical functions. The instrument is not intended to copy any one particular school or period of pipe organ building, but rather to be capable of playing the wide-range of liturgical requirements in worship, and music from all periods and national schools. The tonal specification was drawn up by Michael Quimby in consultation with Colleen Kelsey Hicks, Organist.

The casework, is matched to the classical architecture of the church. In particular, the casework of the Antiphonal division is modeled on the Greek revival cases produced in the middle of the nineteenth century by American organ builders such as the Hook Brothers of Boston. Tonally the instrument is unusual in a number of ways. First, it has four enclosed manual divisions. Secondly, the 32′ and 16′ reed ranks are full-length. There are no “digital” electronic ranks. The instrument contains certain features of the “Symphonic” style of pipe organ, prized in the early twentieth century, which Quimby Pipe Organs has played a leading part in reviving and developing over the last decade. For the first time in a new instrument by Quimby Pipe Organs, the Dauphin Way United Methodist Church pipe organ has revived the use of the Flared Gamba stop similar to those used by the legendary pipe organ builder Ernest M. Skinner. There is a matching Flared Gamba Celeste stop, and indeed the instrument contains a total of five Celeste stops, a feature generally confined to instruments more than double the size. Another significant feature is the chorus reeds of the Trumpet family and orchestral reeds which include the Tuba, French Horn, English Horn, Oboe, and Clarinet voiced by Quimby Pipe Organs Inc. Of special interest are the two contrasting large solo reeds of the Trumpet family, the Tuba and Harmonic Trumpet ranks, voiced on 20″ and 10″ wind pressure and were constructed and voiced in our workshop. Unlike many pipe organs of “Symphonic” design each division of the instrument features a complete Diapason chorus that is designed to be equally versatile with classical, romantic, and symphonic styles of music. A significant feature of the Diapason chorus ranks is the unusually thick metal required to ensure stability of pipe speech, and to achieve the optimum harmonic development. The instrument incorporates 27 ranks from the previous 1956 Reuter pipe organ which have been revoiced and rescaled to function with the new tonal specification. The fine acoustics of the church significantly enhance the voicing in ways that cannot be achieved in a worship space with no acoustical ambience.

The mechanism features Quimby Pipe Organs’ version of the Blackinton slider windchest with pneumatic pallets, allowing the flue pipes of each division to speak to their optimum on common wind channels. There are electro-pneumatic pouch style windchests for all reeds except for the Choir 8′ Clarinet and extended ranks. The four-manual and pedal solid walnut drawknob console, built by Quimby Pipe Organ associates, is in the Aeolian-Skinner style and features the latest in solid-state control systems.

Associates of Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc. who made significant contributions to the construction and installation of this instrument were: Mark Cline, Bart Colliver, Tim Duchon, Chris Emerson, Charles Ford, Rubin Frels, Eric Johnson, Wes Martin, Brad McGuffey, J. O. Love, Joseph Nielsen, Michael Quimby, Janille Rehkop, Brad Richards, Michael Shields, Jim Schmidt, John Speller, Chirt Touch, and Rathana Touch.


Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., located in Warrensburg, Missouri, has specialized in the building, rebuilding, tuning and servicing of pipe organs for 38 years. The company has a national reputation and examples of their work may be found throughout the United States. The firm additionally maintains a tuning and maintenance service throughout the Midwest and in other locations where QPO has built and rebuilt instruments.


Michael Quimby, organ builder, is a graduate of the University of Central Missouri (formerly Central Missouri State University), Warrensburg, Missouri, where he received a Bachelor of Music Education degree in 1973, and a Master of Arts degree in music history and literature with applied emphasis in organ in 1975. Mr. Quimby is a member of Pi Kappa Lambda national honor society of music and the American Institute of Organ Builders (AIO), of which he has served as president. Additionally, he has served on the Board of Directors and has also chaired the AIO Ethics Committee. His firm is presently serving a four-year term as President of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America. He is a member of the American Guild of Organists, having served as dean of the Greater Kansas City Chapter; the Organ Historical Society; and the International Society of Organ Builders. Mr. Quimby presently serves as organist at First United Methodist Church in Warrensburg, Missouri.



GREAT ORGAN – Enclosed (Flues 5½” Wind, Reeds 6½” Wind) – 15 Ranks


Open Diapason 16′ 49 pipes (1-12 from Pedal 16′ Open Metal Diapason)

First Diapason 8′ 61 pipes

Second Diapason 8′ 61 pipes

Stopped Flute 8′ 61 pipes

Dulciana 8′ 61 notes from Choir

Octave 4′ 61 pipes

Principal 4′ 61 pipes

Wald Flute 4′ 61 pipes

Twelfth 2 2/3′ 61 pipes

Fifteenth 2′ 61 pipes

Mixture IV 1 1/3′ 244 pipes

Contra Trumpet 16′ 61 notes from Swell

Trumpet 8′ 61 pipes

Clarion 4′ 61 pipes

Tuba 8′ 61 notes from Solo

Harmonic Trumpet 8′ 61 notes from Antiphonal

Flute Tremolo

Antiphonal on Great

Chimes 21 notes

Great to Great 16′

Great Unison Off

Great to Great 4′

SWELL ORGAN – Enclosed (Flues 5½” Wind, Reeds 6½” Wind) – 22 Ranks

Spitzflute 16′ 73 pipes

Diapason 8′ 61 pipes

Chimney Flute 8′ 61 pipes

Spitzflute 8′ 61 notes ext

Gamba 8′ 61 pipes

Gamba Celeste 8′ 61 pipes

Flauto Dolce 8′ 61 pipes

Flute Celeste GG 8′ 54 pipes

Octave 4′ 61 pipes

Hohlflute 4′ 61 pipes

Nazard 2 2/3′ 61 pipes

Flageolet 2′ 61 pipes

Tierce 1 3/5′ 61 pipes

Mixture IV 2 2/3′ 244 pipes

Contra Trumpet 16′ 61 pipes

Contra Oboe 16′ 73 pipes

Trompette 8′ 61 pipes

Oboe 8′ 61 notes ext

Vox Humana 8′ 61 pipes

Clarion 4′ 61 pipes


Swell to Swell 16′

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4′

Antiphonal on Swell

CHOIR ORGAN – Enclosed (5½” Wind) – 13 Ranks

Contra Dulciana 16′ 73 pipes

Geigen Diapason 8′ 61 pipes

Flauto Traverso 8′ 61 pipes

Gemshorn 8′ 61 pipes

Gemshorn Celeste GG 8′ 54 pipes

Dulciana 8′ 61 notes ext

Unda Maris TC 8′ 49 pipes

Geigen Octave 4′ 61 pipes

Harmonic Flute 4′ 61 pipes

Harmonic Piccolo 2′ 61 pipes

Mixture III 2′ 183 pipes

Clarinet 8′ 61 pipes

Tuba 8′ 61 notes from Solo

Harmonic Trumpet 8′ 61 notes from Antiphonal

French Horn 8′ 61 notes from Solo

English Horn 8′ 61 notes from Solo


Choir to Choir 16′

Choir Unison Off

Choir to Choir 4′

Antiphonal on Choir


SOLO ORGAN Enclosed (Flues and English Horn 10″ Wind; Tuba and French Horn 20″ Wind) – 7 Ranks

Flauto Mirabilis 8′ 61 pipes

Flared Gamba 8′ 61 pipes

Flared Gamba Celeste 8′ 61 pipes

Harmonic Flute 4′ 61 pipes

Tuba 8′ 61 pipes

French Horn 8′ 61 pipes

English Horn 8′ 61 pipes

Harmonic Trumpet 8′ 61 notes from Antiphonal


Solo to Solo 16′

Solo Unison Off

Solo to Solo 4′

Chimes 21 notes


PEDAL ORGAN (Flues 5½, 6½, Reed 6½” Wind) – 7 ranks

Contra Bourdon 32′ 32 notes ext (1-5 and 7 Resultant)

Open Metal Diapason 16′ 56 pipes

Bourdon 16′ 51 pipes

Spitzflute 16′ 32 notes from Swell

Contra Dulciana 16′ 32 notes from Choir

Octave 8′ 32 notes ext

Bourdon 8′ 32 notes ext

Spitzflute 8′ 32 notes from Swell

Dulciana 8′ 32 notes from Choir

Super Octave 4′ 32 notes ext

Spitzflute 4′ 32 notes from Swell

Mixture IV 2 2/3′ 124 pipes

Contra Trombone 32′ 32 notes ext

Trombone 16′ 68 pipes

Contra Trumpet 16′ 32 notes from Swell

Contra Oboe 16′ 32 notes from Swell

Tromba 8′ 32 notes ext

Trumpet 8′ 32 notes from Swell

Oboe 8′ 32 notes from Swell

Tromba Clarion 4′ 32 notes ext

Tuba 8′ 32 notes from Solo

Harmonic Trumpet 8′ 32 notes from Antiphonal

ANTIPHONAL ORGAN (Flues 4½”, Reed 10″ Wind) – 7 Ranks

Open Diapason 8′ 61 pipes

Bourdon 8′ 85 pipes

Octave 4′ 61 pipes

Bourdon 4′ 61 notes ext

Fifteenth 2′ 61 notes from Mixture III

Mixture III 2′ 183 pipes

Harmonic Trumpet 8′ 61 pipes


Bourdon 16′ 32 notes from Antiphonal

Bourdon 8′ 32 notes from Antiphonal


71 Ranks


Great to Pedal 8-4′

Swell to Pedal 8-4′

Choir to Pedal 8-4′

Solo to Pedal 8-4′

Antiphonal to Pedal 8′

Swell to Great 16-8-4′

Choir to Great 16-8-4′

Solo to Great 16-8-4′

Choir to Swell 8′

Solo to Swell 16-8-4′

Great to Choir 8′

Swell to Choir 16-8-4′

Solo to Choir 16-8-4′

Pedal to Choir 8′

Great to Solo 8′

Swell to Solo 8′

All Swells to Swell


COMBINATION ACTION Peterson ICS 4000, 256 levels of memory


Great Organ Thumb pistons 1-8

Swell Organ Thumb pistons 1-8

Choir Organ Thumb pistons 1-8

Solo Organ Thumb pistons 1-8

Antiphonal Organ Thumb pistons 1-8

Pedal Organ Thumb pistons 1-8 and toe studs

General Pistons thumb pistons 1-18, 1-6 and 14-18 duplicated by toe studs

Next Piston Piston Sequencer

Previous Piston Piston Sequencer

Set Piston

General Cancel Piston




General Crescendo Pedal 60 positions, three adjustable and one standard.

Great Expression Pedal

Swell Expression Pedal

Choir/Solo Expression Pedal



Great to Pedal Thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Pedal Thumb and toe paddle

Choir to Pedal Thumb and toe paddle

Solo to Pedal Thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Great Thumb and toe paddle

Choir to Great Thumb

Solo to Great Thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Choir Thumb

32′ Contra Bourdon Thumb and toe paddle

32′ Trombone Thumb and toe paddle

Sforzando Thumb and toe paddle

All Swells to Swell Thumb

Manual Transfer



Internal playback sequencer in console