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Tools of Hope

March 12 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

“Tools for Hope” is a general grief support group offered by Dauphin Way UMC. We offer a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through helpful handouts, devotionals, and a time for everyone to share, we hope you will learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way. We meet at noon on the second Wednesday of each month at Dauphin Way UMC in the Bishops’ room. Lunch cost $6.00 and we would appreciate an RSVP 251-471-155 so we can have your lunch ready. For more information, please get in touch with Rev. Kathy Jorgensen 251-471-1511.


March 12
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm